Welcome fellow clan members! We want to give our members every advantage when it comes to playing in the Golf Clash Tournaments. Tournaments don't always come down to being a skilled player to place well in an online game. Overall preparation, general game knowledge, and learning the course before the qualifying rounds can make a huge difference between being competitive and placing top 20 or having a disappointing finish. We will post links and info here to give your game a boost.
Shredder Slopes Tournament text guides are Here. These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Christmas Down Under Tournament Starts Monday December 20, 2021!
Christmas Down Under Tournament text guides are Here. These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Hot Springs Tournament Starts Monday December 6, 2021!
Thanksgiving Tournament text guides are Here. These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Thanksgiving Tournament Starts Monday November 22, 2021!
Thanksgiving Tournament text guides are Here. These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Fall Major Tournament Starts Thursday November 8, 2021!
Fall Major Tournament text guides are Here. These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
PowerTool Tournament Starts Thursday November 4, 2021!
Power Tool Tournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Coast to Coast Tournament Starts Monday April 27, 2020!
Coast To Coast Tournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Get your practice in early: *Juniper Point is available in the West Coast and U.S. Champions Tours (Tours 2 and 6). *City Park is available in the U.S. Champions Tour (Tour 6).
Ventura Open Tournament Starts Monday April 13, 2020!
Ventura OpenTournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Get your practice in from Thursday April 9, 2020 Santa Ventura will be available in the West Coast and Tropic Kings Tours (Tour 2 and 7).
Paradise Islands Tournament Starts Monday March 30, 2020!
Winter Major Tournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Get your practice in from Thursday March 26 The Oasis will be available in the Tropic Kings and Club Oceania Tours (Tour 7 and 10). Koh Hong Resort is available in the Tropic Kings Tour (Tour 7).
St Patrick'sDay Tournament Starts Monday March 16, 2020!
Get your practice in from Thursday March 12 Glenmonarch Estate will be available in the 6-Star Hotel and Origin Links Tours (Tour 4 and 12). Drumore Links will be available in the World Links and Voyager Tours (Tour 5 and 11).
Winter Major Tournament Starts Monday February 17, 2020!
Winter Major Tournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Get your practice in from Thursday February 13 The Shiruba Springs course will be available to play on the World Links, Platinum Resorts and Voyager Tours (Tours 5, 9 and 11) from Thursday 13th of February.
Touchdown Tournament Starts Monday February 3, 2020!
Touchdown Tournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Get your practice in from Thursday 30th January The Sunshine Glades course will be available on the World Links and Tropic Kings Tours (Tours 5 and 7).
3rd Anniversary Tournament Starts Monday January 20, 2020!
3rd Anniversary Tournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Get your practice in from Thursday 16th January! Drumore Links will be available in the 6-Star Hotel and Voyager tours (4 and 11) Porthello Cove will be available in the World Links and Origin Links tours (5 and 12). Southen Pines will be available in the U.S. Champions and Platinum Resorts tours (6 and 9).
Pacific Cup Tournament Starts Monday January 6, 2020!
Christmas Tournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Get your practice in from Thursday January 2 - Juniper Point is available in the West Coast and U.S. Champions Tours (Tours 2 and 6). - Koh Hong Resort is available in the Tropic Kings Tour (Tour 7). - Maple Bay is available in the Voyager and World Links Tours (Tours 5 and 11). - Gokasho Bay is available in the Club Oceania Tour (Tours 5 and 10).
Christmas Tournament Starts Monday December 23, 2019!
Christmas Tournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Get your practice in from Thursday 19th December in the 6-Star Hotel, Mountain and Voyager tours! (Tours 4, 8 and 11).
Holiday Hills Tournament Starts Monday December 9, 2019!
Holiday Hills Tournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
You can start your tournament practice from Thursday 5th December: The Greenoch Point Course will be available in the Platinum Resorts and Origin Links tours (Tours 9 and 12). The Nordic Fjords course will be available in the World Links and Club Oceania tours. (Tours 5 and 10)
Monster Marsh Tournament Starts Monday October 30, 2019!
Monster MarshTournament text guides are HERE.These are my favorite Golf Clash Help Guides. I usually keep these open on my computer to view for quick reference while playing the game on my Ipad. There are usually updates to these guides by day two of opening rounds that take actual wind speed and direction into account. I attribute most of my tournament success to these guides.
Get your practice in from Thursday 10th October in the 6 Star Hotel and Tropic Kings tours (Tours 4 and 7).
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